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作者简介 樊琳琳(1989—),女,辽宁丹东人,农艺师,主要从事水稻病害研究。

收稿日期 2023-09-10

Pathogenic Mechanism and Control Strategies of Rice Blast Disease

Fan Lin-lin (Huanren Manchu Autonomous County Inspection and Testing Service Center, Huanren, Liaoning 117200)

Abstract Rice blast is a global disease and one of the important diseases that harm rice. It occurs to varying degrees in various rice producing areas in China, leading to reduced rice production and, in severe cases, crop failure. This article elaborated on the significance of studying the pathogenesis and prevention strategies of rice blast disease, analyzed the harm of pathogens to rice, and the reproduction of pathogens during the growth process. It introduced the pathogenesis of rice blast disease, including key factors affecting rice plants and the growth characteristics of pathogens after infection. It also explored the prevention and control strategies of rice blast disease from three aspects: agricultural management, chemical control, and biological control.

Key words Rice blast; Pathogenesis; Pathogenic bacteria

桓仁满族自治县检验检测服务中心,辽宁桓仁 117200

摘要 稻瘟病是危害水稻的重要病害之一,在我国各水稻产区均有不同程度的发生,会导致水稻减产,严重时可导致绝收。(剩余6058字)

