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Chant 是英語学习的一种很好的方式,既朗朗上口,又容易记忆。本人根据多年的教学经验,把小学英语的一些重难点语法和重点句型变成Chant,这样非常易于学生学习和记忆,特别适合中小学的学生学习。

一、Being   Polite

How to be polite?Let me tell you.Shake hands, when you meet new people Say “Hello” when you answer the phone.No pushing or running when you are on a busy street.Make a line when you wait for a bus.Give old people your seat when you on the bus.Help your mum with her house work.Look after your sisters or brothers It it always better, to be a nice and polite person You can do it everyday.

二、Fire and Safety

A fire can happen at anytime No need to be in fear about it.Listen to the fire alarm Get up quickly Leave the room without your personal belongings Walk down the stairs quickly, but do not run DO NOT take the lift, when leaving the building.Remember to call 119 once you are safe The firemen will come and put out the fire As soon as they can。(剩余1462字)

