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【摘 要】目的:探讨阶段性护理干预在慢性宫颈炎护理中的应用价值对患者满意度的影响。方法:实验对象抽取80例慢性宫颈炎患者,从中随机抽取40例设为观察组,余下40例为对照组。对前者使用阶段性护理干预,后者进行常规护理。记录两组患者的护理结果,并对其展开对比分析。结果:观察组在开展阶段性护理干预后,于护理效果方面相较于对照组居更高显示;经对症状消失时间、用药时间、护理满意度以及生活质量评分情况测评,观察组的症状消失时间、用药时间相较于对照组呈更短显示,护理满意度、生活质量相较于对照组呈更高显示(P


Evaluation of the impact of the application price of stage nursing intervention in the nursing of chronic cervicitis on patient satisfaction

Zhou Jinling

Dongguang County People’s Hospital, Cangzhou Hebei 061600, China

【Abstract】Objective: To explore the impact of the application price of staged nursing intervention in the nursing of chronic cervicitis on patient satisfaction.Methods:The experimental subjects selected 80 patients with chronic cervicitis.40 cases were randomly selected as the observation group, and the remaining 40 cases were the control group. Staged nursing intervention was used for the former, and routine care was carried out for the latter. Recording the care results of the two groups of patients and conducting a comparative analysis on them. Results: After the staged nursing intervention was carried out, the observation group showed a higher nursing effect than the control group; The symptoms of disappeared time, medication time, nursing satisfaction and quality of life scores were evaluated, the symptoms of disappeared time and medication time in the observation group were shorter than those in the control group, and nursing satisfaction and quality of life in the observation group were higher than those in the control group(P

【Key?Words】Staged care; Chronic cervicitis; Patient satisfaction



  • 天下
    婚育与健康 2014年10期

