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摘 要 消化内镜是消化系统疾病诊疗的重要工具之一,其围操作期所用药物的注意事项较多,对患者慢性病治疗药物的管理也很重要。临床药师开展消化内镜围操作期用药管理,在“以患者为中心,以合理用藥为核心”的理念指导下,为消化科患者提供精细化的药学服务,有利于保障他们治疗的安全性和有效性。

关键词 消化内镜 药学服务 药物管理

中图分类号:R57; R969.3 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2022)17-0004-03

引用本文 陈禾凤, 胡珊珊. 消化内镜围操作期药学服务的实践与探索[J]. 上海医药, 2022, 43(17): 4-6; 19.

Practice and exploration of pharmaceutical services in the periprocedural period of gastrointestinal endoscopy

CHEN Hefeng, HU Shanshan

(Department of Pharmacy, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China)

ABSTRACT Gastrointestinal endoscopy is one of the important tools for the diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases. Instructions and precautions vary for different medications used before and after procedure, and the management of medications in the patients with chronic disease is also very important. Clinical pharmacists carry out periprocedurial medication management for gastrointestinal endoscopy under the guidance of the concept of “patient-centered, rational drug use as the core”and provide refined pharmaceutical services, which can ensure the effectiveness and safety of their treatment.

KEy WORDS gastrointestinal endoscopy; pharmaceutical services; medication management


