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摘 要 药学知识的科学普及有助于加强公众的合理用药意识。药学科普工作是我国药学服务转型的重要方向之一。本文论述药学科普的特点、载体发展及其对医院药师的要求,总结既往经验,以期进一步推动药学科普的形式创新、内容创新,使之对公众日常用药起到正向引导作用,切切实实地提高公众的安全、合理用药素养。

关键词 药学科普 合理用药 新媒体

中图分类号:R951; R193 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2022)17-0001-03

引用本文 石浩强, 卞晓岚. 开展药学科普,关注合理用药[J]. 上海医药, 2022, 43(17): 1-3.

Carrying out medicine science popularization, paying attention to rational drug use

SHI Haoqiang, BIAN Xiaolan

(Department of Pharmacy, Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China)

ABSTRACT The scientific popularization of pharmacy knowledge, which is one of the important directions in the transformation of pharmaceutical services in China, can help people enhance the awareness of rational drug use. Herein, we discuss the generalization of medical knowledge from three aspects: the characteristics of medicine science popularization, the carriers of medicine science popularization and the requirements of hospital pharmacists to carry out medicine science popularization. We hope this article would further promote the form innovation and content innovation of medicine science popularization, form a positive guiding role of the public in daily drug use, and improve public literacy in safe and rational drug use.

KEy WORDS medicine science popularization; rational drug use; new media


