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摘 要: 环境规制是否促进了企业污染减排是经济学家所关心的热点问题之一。通过梳理国内外相关重点理论和实证文献,从规制类型和传导机制两个维度出发,按照发展脉络和逻辑关系,阐述了每篇文献的思路、方法、数据和结论。基于文献评述,对未来可能的研究方向进行了展望。

关键词: 环境规制;企业减排;波特假说;产业升级;外商直接投资

中图分类号: F 061.3; F 062.6

文献标志码: A

Environmental Regulation and Enterprise Emission Reduction: A Survey

GUAN Jin1 ZHANG Hanwen2 ZHU Qigui1, 3

(1.Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China;2.School of Marxism, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai 201620, China;3.Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, China)

Abstract: Whether environmental regulation drives enterprise emission reduction has always been a hot issue concerned by economists. By sorting out key theoretical and empirical literatures at home and abroad, and from the two dimensions of regulation type and impact mechanism, it expounds the ideas, methodologies, data and conclusions of each literature according to their context and logical relationship. Based on the literature review, it looks forward to future research.

Key words: environmental regulation; enterprise emission reduction; porter hypothesis; industrial upgrading; foreign direct investment

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