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摘 要: 随着城市化进程的加速,河道区域的环境问题日益凸显。河道治理不仅是对水资源的有效管理,更是环境保护的重要一环。但是,我国河道区域的环境情况依旧不容乐观,加强河道治理工作不仅能够加强对水资源的管理,还能起到与环境协调发展的作用。就河道治理的重要性、原则以及措施进行分析和探讨。

关键词: 河道治理 河道建设 生态补偿 疏浚技术 生态系统

中图分类号: TV85文献标识码: A文章编号: 1679-3567(2024)02-0080-03

Research on River Regulation and Ecological River Construction

CHEN Liujie YU Mingqi ZHOU Yuxiang XU Yihua

( Suzhou Water Conservancy Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, 215000 China )

Abstract: With the acceleration of urbanization process, environmental issues in river areas are becoming increasingly prominent. River management is not only an effective management of water resources. It is also an important part of environmental protection. However, the environmental situation in China’s river regions is still not optimistic. Strengthening river management work can not only enhance the management of water resources, but also harmonize development with the environment. The article analyzes and explores the importance, principles, and measures of river management.

Key Words: River regulation; River construction; Ecological compensation; Dredging technology; Ecosystem

