• 中国当代手工艺术创作与批评建构
  • 拜占庭珐琅制品初探
    In the Christian tradition, staurotheke is a box or box used to store sacred objects (such as the remains of saints, clothes and cloth used or touched by saints, fragments of holy thorns and thorny crowns, etc.), which is considered to have supernatural healing power. The Fieschi Morgan Stauro
  • 日本现代建筑中的禅意美学
    This article begins with the expression of Zen aesthetics in Japanese traditional architecture “Sukiya”, andrefers to the architectural works by modern architect Tadao Ando. This articleprobes into the inheritance and evolution of Japanese modern architecture for Zen aesthetic ideology.一、日本传统
  • 针尖上的“绘画”——上海绒绣
    Artists of Shanghai Woolen Embroidery have innovated and reformed the color matching and hand dyeing process of woolen embroidery, which improves the artistic expression of woolen embroidery. The embroidery stitching method of woolen embroidery is based on the traditional Chinese handmade embroidery
  • 公共艺术的社会价值与创作特性
    The quality of public art directly acts on on people’s material life and spiritual pursuit, influences the construction of cities, exerts profound impacts on national development, and implies the important social value.公共艺术在中国发展了三十余年,但依然存在着一些问题。而这些问题的改善和解决将更
  • 国学视野下的现代玻璃用器设计
    Chinese glass utensils were first discovered in the Western Zhou Dynasty and flourished in the Qing Dynasty. They were mainly used for furnishings, daily necessities, stationery and worship supplies. With the popularization of craftsmanship among the people, the demand has also increased.  Th
  • 中国花鸟玉雕的美学特征
    Chinese flower and bird jade carving art represents one of the most popular jade carving forms in the Chinese art history. Its vitality takes root in the character of the Chinese Nation. With the vicissitude of the times, this art radiates more and more youthful vitality. One of the important factor
  • 动物玉雕纵横谈
    Since the humans began to appear, they have lived together with the animals on earth, and enjoy mutual influence and interdependence. The animalthemed jade works, which shine in the history of jade carving art, have continued to develop to the present day with eternal charms. These works have wri
  • 金陵竹刻的创作题材及创新策略探究
    谷青青 田雁冰
  • 时尚品牌与历史文化街区的融合
    朱倩倩 刘丽娴 卢益婧
  • 高职文创设计人才培养的“三教”改革与实践
  • 南派戏装道具的创新特征
  • 从跨界风潮中探求首饰设计发展创新
  • 中国传统绘画在清代玉石雕刻设计中的应用
    Chinese traditional painting and jadestone carving art are epitomes of excellent traditional culture in China. Both of them come down in one continuous line together with the Chinese civilization and boast a long history. They have been passed down for thousands of years and remain to this day.中国传
  • 当代陶瓷祥瑞动物雕塑创作方向探究
    On four dimensions of “artistic expressiveness”, “spiritual attitude”,“crossover integration” and “life aesthetics”, this article focuses on the creation direction for contemporary ceramic sculptures of auspicious animals.早在新石器时代,我国原始陶器中就有大量的动物造型出现,由于原始宗教与
  • 蓝印花布印染技艺的当代传承
  • 基于环境心理视角下的城市新区街道研究
    In our urban construction, especially in new urban construction, due to the short modernization time, often appear in urban street culture fault, atmosphere loss and so on. Therefore, the psychological field theory and Gestalt psychology represented by Lewin as the evaluation system, through th
  • 邂逅名画中的珠宝
    Painting and jewelry are two forms of artistic expression with extraordinary visual and aesthetic expressive power. Even though they were born in different times and cultures, they are ultimate embodiments of people’s creativity and aesthetic pursuit.绘画与珠宝,这是两种极具艺术性的表达形式,它们在
  • 我国非物质文化遗产博物馆的展陈导向
    Compared with the traditional museums, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum’s business functions such as exhibition, display, publicity and education are changing, making it an important proposition to explore the exhibition direction of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum. Therefore, in
  • 点化青田山川 融入海派文化