• 邂逅名画中的珠宝
    Painting and jewelry are two forms of artistic expression with extraordinary visual and aesthetic expressive power. Even though they were born in different times and cultures, they are ultimate embodiments of people’s creativity and aesthetic pursuit.绘画与珠宝,这是两种极具艺术性的表达形式,它们在视觉和审美方面都有着非凡的表现力,即便是在不同的时代和文化中诞生,但它们都是人类在创造力和美学追求的
  • 我国非物质文化遗产博物馆的展陈导向
    Compared with the traditional museums, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum’s business functions such as exhibition, display, publicity and education are changing, making it an important proposition to explore the exhibition direction of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum. Therefore, in the new era, intangible cultural heritage museums need to take advantage of their exhibition advan
  • 点化青田山川 融入海派文化
  • “国潮”趋势下现代首饰设计的传承与赋新
  • 海派玉雕花鸟的“写生”意识
    In order to reveal the technological characteristics and cultural connotation in “lifelike style” awareness of Shanghai-style jade carvings of flowers and birds, this article analyzes the characteristics of“lifelike” awarenessand the craft manifestations in jade carvings of flowers and birds.Through the research on representative works of Shanghai-style jade carvings of flowers and birds, thi
  • 贵州黔东南苗族刺绣视觉设计探索
    Miao embroidery is a traditional Miao folk art. This ancient art form has high artistic value and profound cultural connotation, and is known as the“wordless history poem of the Miao ethnic group.”Starting from the embroidery craftsmanship of the Miao nationality in Southeast Guizhou Province, the author studies the artistic characteristics of Miao nationality embroidery from the perspective of
  • 集传统工艺与当代科技审美于一体
  • 蔓延与分离
    本文试从非专业领域文本解读当代艺术作品,探索从植物生物学视角出发的创作思路。通过对巴西艺术家玛丽亚·内波穆切诺(Maria Nepomuceno)和日本陶瓷艺术家西川优子(Yuko Nishikawa)作品的发散性解读,找到当代艺术作品与跨领域文本的联结之处,探索当代艺术家跨领域文本的创作路径,理解和构建作者、文本、作品之间的关联。一、当代艺术创作视角的转变在经过20世纪70年代,后现代主义对艺术界的洗礼与释放后,艺术创作打破了固有
  • 中国传统年画的当代应用探索
    夏寸草 高婉茹
  • 人工智能驱动的工业设计教育协同发展模式研究
  • 沉睡千年美人鱼
    More than 60 000 cultural relics are recovered from the shipwreck of “Batu Hitam”, including ceramics, porcelains, gold and silverwares, glasswares, bronze wares, lacquerwares, timber, ivory, coral,other gems and jewels, lead blocks and other types of ores. Although the porcelains has been asleep at the bottom of vast seaover a millennium, they still maintainthe intact status.唐代是中
  • 民间信仰对闽南侨乡聚落街巷空间变迁影响
    This article takes the overseas Chinese settlements in southern Fujian as the research object, with focus on folk beliefs, ritual activities, clan system and related ritual space in the settlements.From the perspective of “Folk Custom—Space”, this article explains evolution characteristics of overseas Chinese settlements in southern Fujian Province, analyzesthe impacts of folk beliefs and a
    刘瑾 魏秦
  • 由礼及器:宋代花器的仿古现象
  • 彝族文化元素与当代首饰设计
  • 砣飞轮雕
    Jade carving is a special technique with strong handicraft savor, which is the product of art, science and technology in one. Commonly used equipment, tools and accessories are the material means for jade carvers to carry out artistic creation.Its development marks the degree of integration between jade carving art and contemporary science and technology.有句俗语说道:师傅领进门,修行在个人。从工
  • 月文化元素与现代日用陶瓷设计
    On the basis of reconstruction and analysis of traditional moon culture elements, connotation and extension are grasped. Efforts are made to take full advantage of the characteristics of Dehua White Porcelain, demonstrate the artistic conception of traditional moon culture, and achieve conversion and application of traditional moon culture elements in design of modern ceramics for daily use.改革
  • 唯有玉龙
    我们的先民十分尊崇、敬畏神龙,认为自己是龙的传人,为了得到龙的护佑,与龙形影不离,还创造了纷繁造型、各种质地的龙的文物。很偶然,笔者在研究过程中,发现各种材质的文物中,只有玉龙是我国唯一自新石器时代一直陪伴了我们七千多年的吉祥物(图1)。更有价值的是,玉龙在解开中国龙文化的起源、形成及与其他文物的互鉴方面意义重大。一、机缘巧合 喜获真传中国玉龙精彩纷呈绵延久远,是考古发现和传世文物研究中的重要课题。隔
  • 传统年画中五子图像的地域造型艺术探究
    Image of Five Children are mostly found in the New Yearpaintings, which is an eye-catching expression in thiskind of image, forming its own style and showing thevaried patterns of praying for the children and happy life.Such image has been widely spread and applied in manyregions and social classes. By comparing the image of fivechildren in different regions, this article tries to give shapeto c
    朱喆 贾高飞
  • 探寻海派建筑之美
    Buildings mirrors the evolution of a city and changingneeds of the people. These needs change over time. Themaintenance, renovation and reuse of historic buildingsare inevitable processes, with the evolution of the threegenerations of Lyceum Theatre as a good example. Withretrospect to the development of the three generations ofLyceum Theatre, people can understand the ways thisbuilding is conti
  • 玻璃灯工烧制工艺工具的研究与应用
    任波 石翰林 陈露丹