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基金项目 2020年度河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划项目,编号:2020GGJS001;河南省教育厅2022年大学生创新创业训练计划项目,编号:202210459039

作者简介 张智霖,本科

通讯作者 刘腊梅,E⁃mail:liulamei2005@126.com

引用信息 张智霖,刘腊梅,齐晶晶.医院提供者视角下过渡期护理协调性量表的汉化及信效度检验[J].护理研究,2023,37(23):4194⁃4198.

Chinese version of Coordination of Transitional Care Survey and its reliability and validity test

ZHANG Zhilin, LIU Lamei, QI Jingjing

School of Nursing and Health, Zhengzhou University, Henan 450000 China

Corresponding Author  LIU Lamei, E⁃mail: liulamei2005@126.com

Abstract  Objective:To translate Coordination of Transitional Care Survey(CTCS) into Chinese,and to test its reliability and validity.Methods:According to the Brislin translation model,the Chinese version of CTCS was formed by translation,integration,back⁃translation,expert advisory and pre⁃survey.The reliability and validity of Chinese version of CTCS were tested by means of questionaire among 222 hospital providers involved in the coordination of transitional care services in 3 tertiary grade A hospitals in Zhengzhou.Results:The Chinese version of the CTCS included 4 dimensions and 23 items.The overall Cronbach's α coefficient was 0.924,and the Cronbach's α coefficients of each dimension ranged from 0.777 to 0.954. The retest reliability was 0.878.The scale⁃content validity index(S⁃CVI) was 0.925.Exploratory factor analysis extracted 4 common factors,and the cumulative contribution rate of variance was 70.320%.Conclusions:The Chinese version of the CTCS had good reliability and validity,and which could be used as a tool to assess the quality of transitional care.

Keywords  transitional care; nursing management; scale; reliability; validity

摘要  目的:对医院提供者视角下过渡期护理协调性量表(CTCS)进行汉化,并进行信效度检验。(剩余10411字)

