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摘要 甘薯的产量和品质除了受品种和土壤条件直接影响外,还受施肥的影响。为进一步了解甘薯的需肥特点,根据甘薯的需肥特性,进行合理有效施肥,并根据当地条件,选择合适的施肥方法。本文以甘薯的需肥特点为切入点,分析了肥料种类对甘薯生长的影响,总结了甘薯施肥技术,为甘薯的高产高效栽培提供参考。

关键词 甘薯;需肥特点;施肥技术

中图分类号 S512.1 文献标识码 A

文章编号 1007-7731(2023)22-0014-04

Characteristics of fertilizer requirement and fertilization techniques for sweet potatoes

PAN Xiaodong1 SU Yongtao1 ZHANHG Xiaoshen2

(1Henan Rural Science and Technology Development Center Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450000, China;2Zhengzhou Agricultural and Forestry Science Research Institute, Zhengzhou 450005, China)

Abstract Sweet potato is an important autumn crop, and its yield and quality are not only directly affected by variety and soil conditions, but also by fertilization. In order to study the fertilizer requirements of sweet potato. Reasonable and effective fertilization based on the fertilizer requirements of sweet potatoes, and selecting appropriate fertilization methods according to local conditions, are effective ways to improve the yield and quality of sweet potatoes. This article takes the fertilizer requirements of sweet potatoes as the starting point, analyzes the impact of fertilizer types on the growth of sweet potatoes, summarizes the fertilization techniques for sweet potatoes, and provides reference for the high yield and efficient cultivation of sweet potatoes.

Keywords sweet potato; characteristics of fertilizer demand; fertilization techniques


