• Every day is a new day 每一天都是全新的开始
    Every day is a new day and a fresh start to learn, grow, develop your strengths, heal yourself from past regrets or hurts, and move forward older and wiser. Every day gives you a chance to reinvent yourself, to fine-tune who you are, and build on lessons of what you have learned. It is never to
  • What matters for sea otters’ prey perception 海獭靠什么感知猎物
    在漆黑而嘈杂的海底世界,海洋哺乳动物海獭却可以非常迅速地捕捉猎物,它们依靠的是什么呢?Sea otters are pretty small compared to other marine mammals(哺乳动物), which means that, despite their fur coats, they tend to lose heat quickly, and need lots of energy to keep up their body temperature.“So
  • 重返工作的时代
    如今,对于许多退休人员来说,退休并非愉快之事,因为离开工作岗位后他们顿失精神寄托。虽说他们在家中可以干些自己喜欢的事情,但总有一种挥之不去的寂寞和空虚,于是许多退休人员不甘虚度晚年,纷纷重新走向社会,开始新的工作。Workers are returning to their careers, or starting new ones, after age 65.More than
  • 主题语境5:学校生活
    在我认识的人当中,也许没有一个人比我的英语老师张老师更值得我尊敬。3. So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it.
  • Book therapy: An old idea finds new life 书疗:破除旧观念,重获新生
    侦探形象薇拉和吉米·佩雷斯的创造者、犯罪小说作家安·克利芙丝联合公共健康团队,共同发起了一项阅读治疗计划。该计划旨在通过阅读帮助那些长期患有精神疾病的患者。The library of Pharaoh Ramesses Ⅱ is said to have borne the inscription(题词) “the house of healing for the soul”. Dylan Thomas reportedly l
  • 主题语境1:个人情况
    Part 1 激活·素养要求Part 2 积累·晨读素材Ⅰ. 热词快记(一)外貌特征blank 无表情的facial 面部的handsome 英俊的;帅的pale 苍白的;灰白的pretty 漂亮的;动人的slim 苗条的elegant 优雅的overweight 超重的(二)性格及特征quality 品质aggressive 好斗的;侵略的ambitious 有雄心壮志的confident 自信的considerate 体贴
  • 探究1:事实细节题命题解读及备考策略
  • 四小伙救人记
    兄弟两人在大雾天游泳,差点溺水而亡,幸亏有四名冲浪者听见了他们的呼救并及时救出了兄弟俩。About 50 feet from shore, two brothers were fighting for their lives. They had been swept out to sea, their mouths barely able to stay above the water. Thick fog made it difficult for beachgoers to see the guys,
  • 书面表达热点话题预测:人与社会(一)
    假定你是李华,请用英语写一篇中国当代电影影评,进行推荐。内容包括:1. 确定电影并描述概况;2. 内容主旨;3. 推荐观看。
  • 事实细节题
    Task 1Looking for the most popular summer programs for high school students this year? Look no further. We reviewed all summer programs for high school students listed on TeenLife and selected the top programs with the most page views on our website.Cambridge Scholars' ProgrammeGrades: 10th, 11th,
  • 推理判断题
    Task 1On Sept. 21 in Mount Pleasant Township, Pennsylvania, a residence was burning with a girl trapped on the second story. Elijah Hale, a volunteer firefighter since his early teenage years, was able to be on the scene before other first responders got there, and his head start saved the life
  • 主旨大意题
    Task 1Passers-by can see a fridge by a sidewalk in a corner of Bed-Stuy in Brooklyn. It hums quietly —indicating it's working, and not abandoned. The fridge is painted purple and sports a face with arched green eyebrows and a playful curl down its forehead. Beneath the face is a written message: “
  • 探究1:记叙文命题解读和解题策略
  • 参考答案
    同源高考世界各地的新年节日Reading Check1~4  ACBDLanguage StudyIt is thought to be lucky to wear a flower in this area.J.K.罗琳的新书Reading Check1~4 BCBCLanguage Study罗琳一直在邀请全世界7到12岁的孩子们来画画,这些插画作品可能会在定于2020年11月出版的印刷书中出现。太空大学计划应对健康危机Readin
  • 玩家助力NASA绘制世界珊瑚礁地图
    美国国家航空航天局NASA呼吁玩家和感兴趣的人通过玩一款名为NeMO-Net的电子游戏,帮助他们研究珊瑚种类和了解珊瑚分布,以此拯救濒危的珊瑚。NASA invites video gamers and citizen scientists to embark on virtual ocean research expeditions to help map coral reefs around the world in an effort to better understa
  • 卫斯理的粉红色儿童单车之旅
    一位名叫卫斯理的英国男子为了纪念去世的祖父母,同时也为四家慈善机构募捐,骑着女儿儿时骑过的儿童自行车从苏格兰格拉斯哥到英国曼彻斯特南部的维森沙维。After losing his last remaining grandparent to cancer last year, Welsey Hamnett of Wythenshawe, England wanted to do something to honor them while helpin
  • 探究4:主旨大意题命题解读及备考策略
  • New Year’s festivals around the world 世界各地的新年节日
    Throughout the world, cultures welcome the change of the calendar with unique New Year’s traditions of their own. Here are some of our favorite New Year’s traditions around the world.AustraliaSydney Harbour hosts one of the biggest New Year’s Eve celebrations in the world. It’s mid-summer in the
  • Read J.K. Rowling’s new book J.K.罗琳的新书
    《哈利·波特》系列小说作者、英国作家J.K.罗琳的新作The Ickabog是一本儿童读物,从2020年5月26日至7月10日提供在线免费阅读,每周一至周五更新,每天更新一章,共计34个章节。这本新书为因新冠疫情而不得不待在家中的儿童及其家人带来快乐。Harry Potter fans of all ages now have the chance to find out what it would
  • Space University Program battles health crises 太空大学计划应对健康危机
    国际空间大学结束了其首个虚拟互动空间项目,该项目的开展旨在解决当前以及未来的流行病危机。The International Space University(ISU), based in Strasbourg, France, eventually ended its first virtual Interactive Space Program, or ISP.ISP is an online development program for scientists in different fie