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Unit 8重点词语专练

I. 根据句意及汉语提示填入恰当的单词。

1. As soon as I saw Alan, I ran ________ (向) him to ask for help.

2. Finally, the policeman shot at the criminal with his ________ (枪).

3. That song is very ________ (受欢迎的) with young people.

4. The man hid all the ________ (珠宝) in his garden at night.

5. After a long trip, we arrived at a small ________ (岛).

6. Some children are playing volleyball on the ________ (沙滩).

7. Tigers and lions live on ________ (陆地) while fish live in water.

8. Alice thinks ________ (摇滚乐) is too noisy. She doesnt like it.

9. With the development of ________ (科技), man can fly to the moon.

10. To find the way back home, they left some ________ (记号) in the forest.

II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(剩余1515字)

