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A Lesson

Rohit and Sahil were two woodcutters in a village. Every morning they went to cut wood and sold it. They both could make enough to live. A story happened to them recently.

One day while they were taking a break and eating lunch, they saw a very thin beggar. He said, “Im very hungry. Would you give some food to me?” Rohit felt pity about him and quickly looked for food in his bag. But Sahil stopped him.

Sahil looked at the beggar, “We both work hard all day and have enough food for ourselves. We cannot give you what we are eating. But if you want to borrow my axe, well teach you how to cut wood. Then you can sell it and buy yourself enough food. This way you can live a normal life and never beg.”

The beggar joined them. Sahil taught him and they went to the market at the end of the day. A person bought all his wood, so the beggar was excited and showed the woodcutters his money happily. Sahil took him to buy a new axe with his own money. The beggar thanked them.

After the beggar left, Sahil told Rohit, “If you have given him some food, he would eat it quickly and be hungry again tonight. By teaching him how to cut wood, he has a life skill. Now he will never go hungry.”

Word bank: woodcutter n. 伐木人 beggar n. 乞丐 pity n. 同情,憐悯 axe n. 斧头


