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摘要:以18 000~22 500 kg/hm2为目标产量,从适宜范围、优良生态环境、适宜土壤、品种标准及适宜品种、栽培要点等方面规范了河西绿洲灌区春玉米超高产栽培技术。


中图分类号:S513        文献标志码:B        文章编号:1001-1463(2021)08-0092-03


Abstract:The flavor of tomatoes is determined by the volatile compounds formed during the ripening process of tomatoes, which to a certain extent determines the choice of consumers to buy tomatoes. The substances that determine the flavor of tomatoes undergo dynamic changes during the ripening process of tomatoes, from initial release to aroma enrichment to depletion, and are affected by many factors. In order to understand how to speed up the preparation period of aroma material synthesis, prolong the accumulation period of aroma material enrichment, and reduce the loss period of aroma material as far as possible, the key ways and key substances of tomato aroma material synthesis were expounded, so as to provide reference for the improvement of tomato flavor quality.

Key words:Tomato; Fruit flavor; Aroma; Aromatic substances; Biosynthetic pathway; Impact factors

河西绿洲灌区光热资源丰富,昼夜温差大,土地平坦,是我国北方春玉米高产区,也是甘肃省主要产粮区,近年来玉米种植面积已超过20万hm2[1 ]。(剩余3209字)

