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中图分类号:S668.9      文献标志码:A        文章编号:1001-1463(2021)08-0080-04


Abstract:In this paper, with a new quinoa cultivar Longli 4 as the control, the performance of six new quinoa strains introduced in Haiyuan dry farming area of Ningxia was analyzed. The results showed that the six introduced quinoa new lines and the control cultivar Longli 4 could mature normally, the growth period was 110~116 days. There were differences in plant height, panicle shape, grain color, 1000-grain weight, stem folding degree and other traits between Longcheno4 and 6 new strains of quinoa. The yield of new quinoa cultivars(lines) were        3 245.78~7 872.89 kg/hm2, among which CA4-1 had the highest yield of 7 872.89 kg/hm2, 9.4% higher than the control cultivar Longli 4,  the yield increase was extremely significant. CA3-1 has the highest 1000-grain weight (3.64 g) and higher yield potential. According to the breeding objectives and production requirements of Haiyuan dryland area, CA3-1 and control cultivar Longli 4 were considered to have excellent comprehensive traits and good breeding, production and application prospects.

Key words:Chenopodium quinoa;New cultivars(lines);Haiyuan;Dryland areas;Ecological adaptability

枸杞為茄科枸杞属植物,在我国分布有7个种[1 ]。(剩余5705字)

