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【摘 要】 更年期综合征严重影响着更年期女性的日常生活、工作和心理状态。喻秀兰教授临证数载,经验丰富,治疗上总以滋补肝肾、疏肝宁心、活血化瘀为主,兼之情志疏导、起居调摄等措施,在临床上取得了显著疗效。文章结合临床病例对喻秀兰教授治疗更年期综合征的治疗经验进行介绍。

【关键词】 更年期综合征;经验;情志

【中图分类号】R749.4 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2022)14-0098-03

Professor Yu Xiulan's Clinical Experience in Treating Climacteric Syndrome

LIU Mingxin1 LIU Zhanghao3 YU Xiulan1,2 FANG Congcong1,2*

1.Clinical School of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Wuhan 430061, China;

2.Department of Endocrine, Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wuhan 430070, China;

3.Hanchuan People's Hospital of Hubei Province, Xiaogan 431600, China

Abstract:Climacteric syndrome seriously affects the daily life, work and psychological state of menopausal women.Professor Yu Xiulan has rich clinical experience. The treatment always focuses on nourishing liver and kidney, soothing liver and soothing heart, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, as well as emotional relief, health education and other measures, which have achieved remarkable clinical effect.This paper introduces Professor Yu Xiulan's experience in treating climacteric syndrome based on clinical cases.

Key words:Climacteric Syndrome;Experience;Emotion

更年期綜合征(climacteric syndrome,CLS)即更年期妇女卵巢功能衰退,性激素波动或者减少所致的一系列躯体和精神心理症状,如潮热汗出、失眠、烦躁、抑郁、乏力、骨关节疼痛及记忆力减退等[1]。(剩余4314字)

