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[摘 要]目的 研究钴铬合金烤瓷牙及二氧化锆烤瓷牙对牙齿修复的效果。方法 选取2022年12月-2024年1月武功县人民医院收治的60例牙齿修复患者,根据不同修复方式分为常规组和试验组,每组30例。常规组采用钴铬合金烤瓷牙修复,试验组采用二氧化锆烤瓷牙修复,比较两组修复效果和不良反应发生率。结果 试验组修复后牙体颜色、美观性、牙体外形、面部情况评分均高于常规组,差异有统计学意义(P

[关键词] 钴铬合金烤瓷牙;二氧化锆烤瓷牙;牙齿修复

[中图分类号] R783.4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1004-4949(2024)22-0138-04

Comparison of Clinical Effects of Cobalt Chromium Alloy Porcelain Teeth and Zirconia Porcelain Teeth on Dental Restoration

ZHENG Jingjing1, ZHANG Aimin2

(1.Department of Stomatology, Wugong County People’s Hospital, Xianyang 712200, Shaanxi, China; 2.Department of Oral Medicine, Little White Rabbit Dental Medical Technology Group Weinan Rabbit Dr. Dental Hospital, Weinan 714000, Shaanxi, China)

[Abstract]Objective To study the effect of cobalt chromium alloy porcelain teeth and zirconium dioxide porcelain teeth on dental restoration. Methods From December 2022 to January 2024, 60 patients with dental restoration admitted to Wugong County People’s Hospital were selected and divided into conventional group and experimental group according to different repair methods, with 30 patients in each group. The conventional group was repaired with cobalt chromium alloy porcelain teeth, and the experimental group was repaired with zirconium dioxide porcelain teeth. The repair effect and incidence of adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results After repair, the scores of tooth color, aesthetics, tooth shape and facial condition in the experimental group were higher than those in the conventional group, and the differences were statistically significant (P

[Key words] Cobalt chromium alloy porcelain teeth; Zirconia porcelain teeth; Dental restoration

