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My Spring Festival3

Last year, I had a special Spring Festival, because my parents and I travelled to Hong Kong to celebrate. We spent three days there. On the first day, we went to the Disneyland Resort and the Ocean Park. On the second day, we had a big dinner. On the third day, we went to a big shopping mall and bought a lot of presents for our friends.

六(2)班 南乐怡

During the Spring Festival, I have a lot of time to do the things I love. I’m good at calligraphy(书法), so I often write some couplets for my relatives to put on the doors. I like cooking, too. During the Spring Festival, I usually cook nice food for my grandparents. How do you spend your Spring Festival?

六(2)班 孙诗棋

The Spring Festival is very important for me. It’s the time when my parents return home from Guangdong, and I can stay with them for one week. We do many things together. We clean our house, go shopping, watch the Spring Festival Gala, have a big dinner, and so on. How I wish every day were like the Spring Festival! 六(2)班 湯子腾

On Chinese New Year’s Eve, my family always stick couplets and hang red lanterns in the morning. In the evening, we usually eat dumplings and look for the coins hidden within them. Everyone wants to get these coins for good luck. After dinner, my parents and grandparents always give me red packets. What an important day for us! 六(2)班 王馨



