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The Secret of Falling Leaves落叶的秘密



In the City Park, there lives a wise old tree named Old Oak(老橡树). One day, a group of curious young trees gather around Old Oak, eager to learn. They notice that some of their leaves are changing colors and falling to the ground.

“Old Oak,” asks Maple(枫树), a young tree with red leaves, “why are our leaves changing colors?” Old Oak smiles and explains, “The colors are a sign that our leaves are getting ready to fall. As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, our leaves stop making chlorophyll(葉绿素), which is what makes them green. Instead, the other colors that are always there, like red and yellow, start to show.”

Ginkgo(银杏), a tree with yellow leaves, speaks up, “But why do our leaves have to fall?” Old Oak answers, “Leaves are like our food factories(食品工厂). They use sunlight and water to make food for us. In winter, there isn’t enough sunlight and water for our leaves to keep making food, so our body saves energy by letting them go.”

“But what happens to our leaves when they fall?” Aspen(白杨), a tree with golden leaves, chimes in(插话). Old Oak chuckles(轻笑), “Great question! When our leaves fall, they create a blanket on the ground. This blanket helps keep the soil(泥土) warm and protects our roots(根) during the cold winter months. ”

“It’s like nature’s way of giving us a warm hug!” The young trees are happy to know the secret of their falling leaves.


