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中图分类号:S567.23;S344.3          文献标志码:B          文章编号:2097-2172(2024)03-0287-04


Planting Technique Regulation of Broccoli and Green Manure Intercropping with High-efficiency Crop Rotation using Angelica sinensis

GONG Chengwen 1, 2, MI Yongwei 1, 2, SHAO Wuping 1, 2, XIE Zhijun 3, SHI Xiaoqiang 4, FAN Aiping 5

(1. Institute of Chinese Herbal Medicines, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, China; 2. Gansu Provincial Engineering Laboratory for Genetic Improvement and Quality Control of Chinese Herbal Medicine, Lanzhou Gansu

730070, China; 3. Institute of Animal Husbandry, Pasture and Green Agriculture, Gansu Academy of Agricultural

Sciences, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, China; 4. Minxian Horticultural Guidance Station, Minxian Gansu 748499,

China; 5. Zhangxian Agricultural Technology Extension Centre, Zhangxian Gansu 748305, China)

Abstract: To further explore and utilize the regional agricultural resource advantages and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the plateau summer vegetable and Angelica sinensis industries, through trial demonstrations and production practices, a planting technique guideline for broccoli and green manure intercropping with high-efficiency crop rotation using Angelica sinensis has been developed. This guideline covers aspects such as scope, normative references, terminology and definitions, origin environment, broccoli cultivation techniques, green manure intercropping techniques, and crop rotation with Angelica sinensis cultivation techniques, aiming to better guide the production.

Key words:  Angelica sinensis; Crop rotation ; Broccoli; Multiple planting of green manure; Planting regulation

當归为伞形科植物当归[Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels]的干燥根[1 ],是我国常用大宗中药材,始载于《神农本草经》,人工种植历史悠久,随着气候变化与种植技术革新,其产业得到了长足发展[2 - 3 ]。(剩余5951字)

