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中图分类号:S565.4        文献标志码:B        文章编号:1001-1463(2021)09-0084-04


Situation of Grain Production in Gansu Province and Countermeasures for Grain Security in New Period

TANG Yingfang, LI Hongxia, LIU Jinhui, WANG Jianlian, MA Lirong

(Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, China)

Abstract:Based on the data of grain production in Gansu Province from 2010 to 2019, the application of statistical analysis, from the total grain production, structure of grain cultivar, production capacity of regional food of Gansu Province grain production situation, from the cultivated land resources, water resources, ecological environment, natural disasters and technical reserve analysis of grain production conditions, to study the challenges and problems of green and high-quality grain development in Gansu province in the new period, and put forward the new period of Gansu Province grain development countermeasures and suggestions: the implementation of the “hidden the ground in the ground” strategy, stable grain sown area;Implement the strategy of “hidden the ground in technology” and seek for technological breakthrough and promotion of grain production;Optimize the distribution of grain regions and varieties to increase the effective supply of high-quality green food;Strengthen administrative promotion and financial support;We will strengthen our macro-control capacity and attach importance to the construction of a food emergency security system

Key words:Grain production;Food safety;New Period;Gansu Province

油菜是甘肅省的主要油料作物和经济作物之一[1 ],常年播种面积保持在16.0万hm2左右,平均产量为2 205.04 kg/hm2,高于全国平均单产水平[2 ]。(剩余5019字)

