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I love tea, which never fails to fascinate me due to its slight bitterness and fragrance. Just not long ago, an activity was organized in our class. Divided into three parts, the lesson included making tea, tasting tea and introducing Chinese tea culture.

When I slowly poured the boiling water, it flowed down to the cup from which the steam rose like clouds. The tea leaves were soaked in the water and slowly stretching out. I took a sip of my own tea and a little bitterness immediately passed through my mouth. Then came a strong fragrance which drowned me and made me feel refreshed, as if the bitterness had never appeared.

Through the teachers introduction, I learned that drinking tea is not only a hobby, but also a way of etiquette. Han people prefer to drink tea with the method called Light Drinking, a way to make tea without adding any condiments. It is believed to be the best choice for maintaining the purity of tea in tea tasting.

Tea culture, which is passed down in one continuous line with Chinese culture, especially advocates peace, honesty, truth, and beauty in tea tasting. As cultural inheritors, we students have the responsibility to carry forward this intangible treasure in our culture and spread it around the globe.


